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I'm giving away Free Coaching, and here's why

Writer's picture: Laura PrescottLaura Prescott

Three years ago this month, my life took a turn when I embarked on an unforgettable adventure. Back in the summer of 2020, like many others, I found myself with an abundance of free time due to Covid-19 restrictions. With only three workdays each week, I seized the opportunity to sneak off to the mountains to adventure.

In July, I decided to take a few extra days off and explore the southwest corner of Colorado. It was a part of the state that I rarely had the chance to experience. I planned a 5-day backpacking trip with my sweet black lab, Monster.

During my hike along the stunning continental divide, surrounded by breathtaking snow-spotted mountains, I encountered another hiker. She introduced herself as Pinecone. Confused, I introduced myself as Laura.

“Oh, that’s my trail name” she said. “Are you not thru-hiking?”

“Thru-hiking what?” I asked her. I had read Wild by Cheryl Strayed, so I was familiar with the term, but had no idea that I was standing on a long distance trail.

Pinecone explained that she was thru-hiking the Colorado Trail, and that she began three weeks ago in Denver and would conclude in about a week in Durango. I was floored. I peppered her with questions, eager to soak up every story and she had to share.

We eventually went our separate ways, and my curiosity was piqued. I couldn't help but approach every hiker I encountered for the rest of the day to inquire if they too were thru-hiking. To my delight, many of them were.

By the time I was driving home from Silverton, I was completely sold. I knew that I had to thru-hike the Colorado Trail. Returning home to Denver, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and overflowing excitement. Not only had I accomplished a solo backpacking trip, but I also couldn't wait to dive into researching the CT.

As I shared my incredible experience and newfound goal with clients, coworkers, and friends, a common phrase kept coming up: "I wish I was brave enough to do something like that." It broke my heart to hear so many women yearning for adventure but feeling held back by fear, scarcity, and self-doubt.

I can't pinpoint the exact moment I made the decision to become a certified life coach, but that September, I enrolled in a certification program. The timing could not have been more perfect. Over the course of six months, as I prepared for the Colorado Trail, I dedicated myself to learning and practicing tools that helped me cultivate a resilient mindset.

Let me be clear, I'm not some extraordinary individual. I'm far from being a daredevil, and no one in my life would label me as a risk-taker or thrill-seeker. The courage required to embark on solo hikes, backpacking trips, and thru-hikes was something I developed gradually. It didn't happen overnight, and fear still accompanied me along the way. There were times when I hiked with apprehension, unsure of what lay ahead. However, I cultivated a trust within myself, knowing that I had the ability to overcome any obstacle that came my way.

I had done quite a bit of deep, personal work before enrolling in coach certification, but learning the thought-work tools and concepts, and receiving weekly coaching as I planned and prepared for the thru-hike, made all the difference. Without that work, my adventure certainly wouldn't have been the reflective, celebratory, and meaningful experience that it was.

My work as a coach is to bring these tools to as many women as possible, so that they can live the bold, adventurous, meaningful lives they’re meant for. Whatever goal you have, whatever adventure you hear calling you, your mindset is truly the only thing standing in your way.

To help more women experience the transformational shifts that can come from thought work and answer the call to adventure, I'm offering a handful of free coaching sessions each month throughout the rest of the year.

All coaching, no sales.

Reserve your free session HERE

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