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The Wild Life Test Group

Embark on the Adventure of a Lifetime: Redefine Goal Setting, Embrace Exploration, and Ignite Transformation


I know you dream of a more fulfilling, exciting life. One where you're not held back by a fear of failure, indecision or self doubt.


Maybe you long for the courage to embark on a solo hike, dip your toe in the dating pool, or make big changes like moving to a new city or trying out a different career.


You wish you had the confidence to set boundaries in your relationships, the discipline to get healthier, or the commitment to chase your dreams without worrying what others might think.


But fear keeps getting in the way, and you end up second-guessing yourself or giving up altogether.


That's where the Wild Life Program comes in.


In this 12 week program, you'll clarify what you want in life, and build the courage and confidence to pursue those goals, all while finding joy in the journey.


You'll learn how to change your mindset and cultivate an attitude that turns your goals, and whole life, into an ADVENTURE


The Power of Community


Imagine embarking on your personal growth journey surrounded by a small cohort of like-hearted women who are just as committed to their own transformation as you are.


Each member of your group is on her own unique adventure, but together, we inspire, encourage, and uplift one another.


Whether you're celebrating a milestone or facing a challenge, you can count on your fellow Wild Women to be there cheering you on, offering words of wisdom, and sharing their own experiences.

In the Wild Life coaching program you can expect to:
  • Define Your Vision: Craft a clear and inspiring vision for your future, guided by your values, passions, and aspirations.
  • Set Meaningful Goals: Learn how to set goals that are aligned with your vision and bring you closer to the life you want.
  • Create Action Plans: Develop actionable steps and strategies that you actually want to follow through on, ensuring you stay motivated and committed to your goals.
  • Build Authentic Connections: Form lasting bonds with the women in your group through genuine connection, vulnerability, and support.
  • Embrace Transformation: Evolve into the next version of yourself, as you step outside your comfort zone, confront fears, and embrace new possibilities.
Participant Requirements:

I'm looking for 5 committed women who are ready to reach their goals, show up throughout the program and offer honest feedback.
Participants should not be current 1:1 clients, need to be local to the Colorado front range and able to participate in at least 5 of group calls, and the first and last in-person gatherings.

Here's the schedule for our program:

  • May 29th, 6pm: Virtual meet and greet

  • June 2nd, 2-6pm: In-person visioning session + hike at Deer Creek Canyon in Littleton

  • Wednesdays, June 7-August 14 (No coaching on August 7th) 6pm-7pm: Group calls

  • Wednesday, July 10th, 5pm: In-person coaching and hike at Mt. Falcon (West Trailhead)

  • Celebration Hike: Sunday, August 18th (Location to be determined together as a group)


Please apply by May 9th, participants will be alerted of acceptance via email on May 15th.

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Hi! I'm Laura. As a certified coach and avid adventurer, I'm passionate about helping women break free from the limitations holding them back from the adventures that call to them—both in the outdoors and in life.
I've experienced firsthand the challenges and barriers that can stand in the way of pursuing our wildest dreams.
During my 2021 thru-hike of the Colorado Trail, I had a profound realization: the key to achieving our goals lies within our mindset. It was my willingness to be open, resilient, and learn from challenges that allowed me to enjoy my time on, and complete my hike of the trail.
However, in my off-trail life, I struggled to apply the same adventurous mindset to my goals. Like many women, I found myself setting goals based on external expectations—whether it was running half marathons, losing weight, or chasing after more money—in the hope that achieving these goals would bring happiness and worthiness.
Driven by my own journey of self-discovery and growth, I created the Wild Life Program to empower women to redefine goal setting and embrace life as the grand adventure it truly is. Through this program, I'm dedicated to guiding you towards setting goals that align with your passions, values, and vision for the future, so you can step boldly into the life you've always imagined.
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Before I started working with Laura, I didn't feel like I even knew myself. I didn't know what I liked, what goals I wanted to achieve, or who was worth spending time with. I was a total people-pleaser.

She helped me build up the confidence to just try different things to see what I liked, before landing on hobbies I enjoyed-- painting, hiking and cooking.


While working with Laura, I decided to end a relationship I had been on the fence about, and buy a house.


At this point, I feel like I know myself better than I ever thought I could.


My adventure was learning to explore and experiment with what I like and don't like, instead of thinking I had to know exactly what I wanted to do before trying!

— Jess C


Laura is the BEST! She asks amazing questions and adds humor to every session.


Before I met her, I let everyone around me affect me so much. I felt like I needed to micromanage everyone in my life all of the time, and it was EXHAUSTING.

I was pretty resistant at first, but Laura really taught me how to pay more attention to why I was getting so fired up all the time, instead of trying to control everyone else, and I have to say, it was hard but so worth it. 

The adventure for me has really been getting to know myself and what makes me tick, and learning new ways of reacting.

---- Christina P

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